Month: May 2017

Bottling hypocrisy

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Give-away to water bottling plant in Florida is on the wrong side of sustainability in many ways. We must follow the lead of those on the right path.

Good read by one of my favorites writers, Carl Hiaasen, on the irreparable and villainous damages being inflicted upon our state by the man who imagines himself our future President, Rick Scott. The alt-fact definition of political hero in our current world:  Sucking up to deep pockets while selling out your constituents (and sucking our Florida aquifer dry.)  Rick Scott takes his place among the pantheon of heroes who deserve a medal.

The most important trade deal you’ve never heard of ?

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TiSALearn about TiSA, a secret trade deal being worked now which would include 50 countries and apply to 80% of the world economy.  We can thank WikiLeaks for bringing this to the attention of the public.  A webinar will be taking place today at 7:30 p.m. EST to fill us in on the details that have been kept under wraps for so long.  Hope you can listen in and voice your opinions and concerns.  Here’s the link to the site:

Dems and the insanity defense

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einsteinYou don’t need to be Einstein to understand that “the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results.”  So why are the Democrats continuing down this loopy path when it comes to elections in Florida (and elsewhere)?  Daily Kos tries to shed some light on the 2018 governor’s race shaping up in Florida.   If we’re being offered another DINO (Democrat in Name Only), as the piece says, history proves that is going to end badly, again.  Scott Maxwell, from the Orlando Sentinel, weighs in on the matter and gives the odds of winning the governorship to the Republicans (again) with the current likely candidates.  The disastrous Democratic leadership decisions of the past must not continue to haunt and hurt us.  We must demand the new leadership’s assurance that we will have access to a legitimate, fair and honest primary election.  An insanity defense isn’t going to cut it anymore.

EPA declares chemical warfare on America

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chem warfareIf you thought Roundup was bad, you haven’t seen anything yet.  Chemical warfare on our environment has just been upped in Florida and 34 states now with the EPA’s, as well as the state of Florida’s, approval of Enlist Duo, a cocktail of Roundup and 2,4-D (a component of Agent Orange from the days of the Vietnam War).

“The U.S. Department of Agriculture estimates that by 2020, the use of 2,4-D on America’s farms could rise between 100 percent and 600 percent now that it has been approved as part of Enlist Duo”. According to experts, “When you combine increased use with the potential for increased developmental, cancer, and other health impacts, you could create a perfect storm of hazard and exposure coming together.”

The NRDC and other environmental groups are fighting the illegal approval of this dangerous mix of chemicals.  We need to get on board as well and fight the use of this poison locally and nationally.

Mark your calendar!

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forgotten coast jpegMingle with friends and associates who share your concerns about the harmful changes being implemented, both locally and nationally, to environmental standards and regulations.  Let’s see what others are doing to promote positive change and discuss our role within this expanding movement.   Information is contained in the flyer above.  Please plan on attending (RSVP to and invite all your friends, family and acquaintances.   See you there!