Siskind records Blitzkrieg to our democracy

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blitzkriegAs our country “erodes before our eyes”, Amy Siskind has been keeping a list of our country’s vanishing norms and long-cherished values these past five months under Trump’s “blitzkrieg” of our democracy.  It records in black and white the frightening changes that have come about since the Russians’ cyber attack successfully installed their pick into the White House.  It’s a lengthy itemization and an ugly thing to behold and will surely lead to more sleepless nights as concealed things are revealed.  For example, one tidbit I hadn’t heard of:

“AP reported that a company that partners with both Trump and (son-in-law) Jared Kushner is a finalist for a $1.7bn contract to build the new FBI building.

Amy advises that “Experts in authoritarianism advise to keep a list of things subtly changing around you, so you’ll remember.”  And, hopefully, one day with a Congress that isn’t aiding and abetting treason, we’ll be able to find our way back to Democracy.

So many of us, in an attempt to preserve our sanity, are averting our eyes to the carnage being carried out in Washington under this regime.  Ms. Siskind deserves a medal for her arduous task of recording for history this revolting and illegal depravity being waged upon our country.

2 thoughts on “Siskind records Blitzkrieg to our democracy

    Suzy Garrison said:
    July 1, 2017 at 11:04 pm

    This needs to be shared far and wide. The changes are astonishing and scary. Go to this site and see the graph and then click on each week of the graph to see the changes in depth.!/vizhome/AmySiskindWeeklyListOfChanges_0/AmySiskindDashboard

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